[STREAM PLAYLIST (YouTube)] - The playlist I use on my stream. Mostly VGM. I haven’t been muted with this yet but of course use at your own risk
[ANIME PLAYLIST (Spotify)] - A collection of anime/j-songs I like. NOT SAFE FOR STREAMING, you will get muted.
Here's a storyboard template that I use for my own projects. Consists of 1 PSD.
-8.5x11" at 300DPI, 1920x1080 dimension cuts, anime-styled storyboard template (modeled after a Madhouse studio one)
-Editable title, subtitle, and author text (Arial font by default)
-Masked layers for each cut
-Two different versions: one with dialogue + one without it
If you want to edit the other text, you need Lemon/Milk and Kozuka Gothic Pro fonts.